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wav files

If you dont like a particular sound effect in the game, you can change it or delete the wav file. Some users have mentioned that the "kibitz2.wav" file which plays when a user logs in and GreedyGammon sends a "welcome username" message, is rather loud and startling. I agree. Here attached is a reduced volume version of the wav. Future updates will have this new wav file replace the old one. To replace the loud version with this reduced volume version, download the file that is attatched to this message, retrieve the kibitz2.wav file from within the zip and copy it into the wav folder in your GreedyGammon installation location (by default is program files-greedygammon)
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Re: wav files

I recently noticed that "bearoff.wav" had issues with the sound skipping an event during checker bearoff. This happens because the wav file is too long and the second wav clash with the first sound event. This is easily fixed by removing dead sound from the beginning and end of the file. I have done this with the bearoff.wav and it is now working ok. You may download the file and install it in the wav folder of the game or it will install itself upon the next update whenever that may be. Or if you have sound editor like audacity you can edit the file yourself.
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