Please help with translations
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:52 pm
If you speak a language other than English, please help translation GreedyGammon into your language by editing a simple text file with only 74 words and phrases. Post it here or send it to saved as a unicode text file. Unicode text is one of the options to save a file in notepad. If you dont save as unicode, all the special characters of the language will be lost when opened again. So use "save as" and select "unicode text" as the format. Thanks to everyone who submits a translations. Google translate while better than nothing is not as good a a native speaker
000 Yes
001 No
002 Copy
003 Undo
004 Wins
005 Blitz
006 Fast
007 Normal
008 Clock Off
009 Accept
010 wins the game
011 Resigned
012 Contact
013 Copy
014 Leave
015 Help
016 Action
017 Preferences
018 Name
019 Password
020 Login
021 Options
022 wants to play
023 wins the match
024 watch a match
025 create new match
026 Play Direction
027 Play Clockwise
028 Play Counter Clockwise
029 Move Timer
030 Game Timer
031 Auto Roll
032 Auto Race
033 Stop Watching
034 Save Password
035 Play Offline
036 Create New Account
037 Forgot Password
038 Support Forum
039 Check for Updates
040 Animate Player 1
041 Animate Player 2
042 You got lucky
043 Dice not fair
044 Cheating dice
045 Congratulations
046 Thanks for the match
047 All lucky rolls
048 lucky lucky lucky
049 Animation Speed
050 Configure Board Data
051 Quick Start Guide
052 About GreedyGammon
053 Do you want to double?
054 Do you want to resign?
055 Play Computer Opponent
056 Play Human Opponent
057 Game Timer expired
058 GreedyGammon is already open
059 Lost Connection to Server
060 Connection Attempt failed
061 Password validation failed
062 Loading Offline Mode
063 Pause between roll and move
064 To double, click the cube
065 Can't change the board while playing
066 To roll the dice click on your side of the board
067 To move small number first click the other mouse button
068 To complete your turn, click the dice
069 To accept/reject the cube, click red X or green check button
070 To resign, click the White Flag button
071 For more setting menu->Options->Preferences
072 Close
073 Ok
074 Cancel
000 Yes
001 No
002 Copy
003 Undo
004 Wins
005 Blitz
006 Fast
007 Normal
008 Clock Off
009 Accept
010 wins the game
011 Resigned
012 Contact
013 Copy
014 Leave
015 Help
016 Action
017 Preferences
018 Name
019 Password
020 Login
021 Options
022 wants to play
023 wins the match
024 watch a match
025 create new match
026 Play Direction
027 Play Clockwise
028 Play Counter Clockwise
029 Move Timer
030 Game Timer
031 Auto Roll
032 Auto Race
033 Stop Watching
034 Save Password
035 Play Offline
036 Create New Account
037 Forgot Password
038 Support Forum
039 Check for Updates
040 Animate Player 1
041 Animate Player 2
042 You got lucky
043 Dice not fair
044 Cheating dice
045 Congratulations
046 Thanks for the match
047 All lucky rolls
048 lucky lucky lucky
049 Animation Speed
050 Configure Board Data
051 Quick Start Guide
052 About GreedyGammon
053 Do you want to double?
054 Do you want to resign?
055 Play Computer Opponent
056 Play Human Opponent
057 Game Timer expired
058 GreedyGammon is already open
059 Lost Connection to Server
060 Connection Attempt failed
061 Password validation failed
062 Loading Offline Mode
063 Pause between roll and move
064 To double, click the cube
065 Can't change the board while playing
066 To roll the dice click on your side of the board
067 To move small number first click the other mouse button
068 To complete your turn, click the dice
069 To accept/reject the cube, click red X or green check button
070 To resign, click the White Flag button
071 For more setting menu->Options->Preferences
072 Close
073 Ok
074 Cancel