Play online or offline
jf.mat logs
No hassles
No begging for donations
Invite your friends
Play offline all day against expert
download for win-7/10

Single click launch
Free open source gnubg
Self play mode to watch
Background process games
Using CLI gnubg
Details in forum
download for win-7/10.

No "light" version full
Never expires
Private server mode
Self play mode watch and learn
Have fun
download for win-7/10
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greedygammon Review
If you are looking for backgammon game to download for the PC, you have
come to the right place. GreedyGammon is a free
backgammon download
for Windows 7/10. Enjoy the board game backgammon with GreedyGammon . Download and install GreedyGammon to play
BG with your
friends from next door, or across the oceans, or play offline all day against the expert gnubg
open source AI player. The lucky backgammon players who have discovered GreedyGammon remain loyal users for decades. It is hands down the best online
backgammon game out there. Look at the screen shot.. you seen any other bg
game look better than that? NO you haven't :) GreedyGammon is not a mobile backgammon app. It is a
Windows 7/10 desktop application that you download and install on your
machine (it doesn't run in your browser). If you need help with that please visit the forum post with
screenshots and detailed instructions how to download and install GreedyGammon.
will save your matches and run them through gnubg backgammon in the
background for easy single click analysis display of your games in gnubg
sgf format. GreedyGammon is produced by the publishers of the popular
clients 3DFiBs and FiBzilla. Please note. GreedyGammon is NOT a FIBS
client. Please use 3dfibs or fibzilla to play on FIBS
Enjoy online / offline backgammon with the
following features..
jf.mat log files generated to analyze your games with gnubg
- greedy bear off and auto race feature when contact is broken
- the bot resigning when the game is essentially over.
- Easy single click to play fast no clumsy dragging
- Auto play forced move off the bar.
- And many
more features that you just won't find in your generic backgammon game
And the most important advantage is that you never have to rely on a
central server
to play with your friends.
GreedyGammon lets you set up your own server and connect with your
friends. Servers come and go at the whim of the owners. Here today gone
tomorrow. Enjoy your favorite game forever with GreedyGammon.
GreedyGammon 3.1.2
is here!.
Please visit the forum for GreedyGammon backgammon
game details backgammon FAQ, backgammon tipS and tricks, backgammon
position analysis and GreedyGammon announcements
Nice board themes (see screen shots below)
Game logs saved as jf.mat format for easy import into
GnuBG BGBlitz and
exTremeGammon analyzers
Automatic updates to the
latest version
More exciting fun features in the
requires MS Windows versions -7 /10 (no MAC client no android no iphone..sorry)
Works best with 1920*1080 screen resolution
Current version of GreedyGammon 3.1.2 has been
tested and stable for online and offline games. Visit the
forum for
detailed linstructions. And of course you still have the gnubg based bot
GreedyG for offline games against the computer. GnuBG analysis can be
launched right from the end game dialog screen. There is no waiting for
bots. They are always ready to play. And when you are ready for player vs
player games against your friends or to discover people who may want to
play against, visit the forum for the connection instructions and post
your profile in the new forum section to find new players. GreedyGammon
forum has instructions how to use gnubg to analyze your games, how to
connect and play with your friends, and lots of general backgammon topics
like position analysis, backgammon videos, and much more..
- support(at)greedygammon.com