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Posts: 351
Joined: Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:32 pm
Years playing backgammon: 20+ Learned to play on playing bots and review with gnubg analysis FIBS rating 1750-1850
Location: USA

The perfect roll..

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Here is a game where I got to 3-5 in a 7 pt match bot is leading. I play a gammonish opening, get the bot on the ropes, double early and cruising for a spectacular doubled gammon to win the match when BAM!! :D the dice gods deliver a stunning blow and it was all downhill from there. But hey.. I didnt get to 1800+ by crying everytime the bots get lucky. My rating went down by 4 points and if I bounce back and win the next match, I am up 7 so plus 3 overall. This is how the ratings work against a high rated opponent. Even when you lose most of your games your ratings will still inch up if you can manage to extract a win here and there. Ok so this is not the worst bad luck roll but it is up there.I went from 72% favorite to win the match down to 30%. And yes I did YELL!! at the screen :D
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