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Sizing GNUBG

Hi maareyes

After a match and Greedygammon calls gnubg to analyse the match gnubg runs alllway fullscreen overwriting the screensetting I use myself (gbubg saves the last setting used). I assume GreedyGammon calls gnubg to run fullscreen) As i myself NEVER run gnubg fullscreen (i don't like to have it fullscreen) I have to reset it each time.
My husband wrote a small exe which i used in the past to open and analyse the last match played on Greedygammon. But its more handy to do it from Greedygammon. When its due to greedygammon can you fix it that it will just run at the setting of the screen as was saved by the user.



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Re: Sizing GNUBG

Hi Marrianne,

If you already have an exe to run as you want it to, try setting the path in preferences to your exe maybe have to rename it gnubg.exe and see if that works. It should launch your exe which will then launch gnubg.

There are still some serious fatal bugs in player vs player which I am having trouble with, so it will probably be a while before I can get to settings and preferences features

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Re: Sizing GNUBG

Hi maareyes

Thanks for the suggestion. it works fine.
I also don't like bugs at least NOT INDOORS. Just Kidding.


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